Thursday, March 26, 2009

Morph "Final"

Heres the final effect, finished coding it last night, it works with any model that is made of polygons.  For this video I used it on a sphere made of 2500 faces.  Enjoy.

I can't figure out how to bump the quality on blogger... come to me if you want to see it in higher rez.

I still want to add a bit of refinement, like having it build from the bottom up, or from the top down, should be easy.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Morph (Code)

Ok so... i'm still coding my morph but I'll put up my progress so far.

The name of the object I'm deforming is: sphere
//This Squishes the Sphere
int $i;
string $obj = "sphere";
float $pPos[];
for($i=0; $i <= 381; $i++){
select -r ($obj+".vtx["+$i+"]");
$pPos = `pointPosition -w ($obj+".vtx["+$i+"]")`;

move -r -os -wd (-$pPos[0]) 0 0;

//This splits the faces into individual peices
string $obj = "sphere";

for($i=0; $i <= 399; $i++){
select -r ($obj+".f["+$i+"]");
polyChipOff -kft off -dup off;

//Todo: Randomize face start times
//Todo: Set some faces to squish onto x axis rather than all on the z (I'll tell them to go to x or z by Face Normal value)

Heres what it looks like visually.
Before Squish

Squish PerformedProof that the faces are all detatched
So with this I'll be able to apply the function to my model for our final movie, then animate the faces resuming their correct positions.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Story Board for Final

Masked "person" walking, he is thinking random thoughts, scraping the first couple because they don't work.  Eventually he comes to a idea he enjoys, and he grabs it, folds it and stuffs it into his pocket.  He then walks over towards the "Viz Lab" and opens it up and walks in.

Enter completely dark room except a blindingly lit white table.  As we walk up to the device our Idea from earlier is slammed onto the table, a flash of light the paper is gone, and a "digitized" version emerges on the table.  The image is folded down the middle so that the sides are at 90 degrees, and stood up.  Suddenly the paper is cut into a grid shape, and the "polys" begin to float out from the gridded paper slowly flying into their 3d orientation on the model.  At first 1 or 2 fly out then they all begin to emerge, and the emanating light from the squares being pushed out flashes and the model is all that remains.  Push the model to the side and we see the table once again with a clear state.  2 hands appear and begin to stretch thumb and index finger widths apart creating "bones" to the width of the fingers.  Then they are shot to the center of the screen into their correct positions, follow by flickers of particular light indicating both their trajectory and when they click into place.  This all occurs VERY QUICKLY, to the point were it almost seems like a fireworks show, with particulates flying from both sides of the screen and at the centers were bones click into place.  Once the Bones are created it begins to stretch and jumps up in achievement.  The bones then walk over to where the mesh stands and opens up the back sticking his head in and taking control of the mesh head.  He moves the head of the mesh to the left and right and then puts his arm into the arm of the mesh.  The head looks up to his left arm and the arm bends up and his fingers begin to wiggle around in response.  The bones then completely "put on" the mesh and assume control.

The mesh then begins to do articulated stretches, and movements (jumping jacks, squats, karate punch).  He will interact with credits in some way(not pictured)Credits roll.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Computer Nightmare

All frames were posed by hand, there were no interpolated poses.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Flash, City Walkthrough

City "Fly" Through

He's the fastest man alive.


360 Fly around

This is stabby currently. I added a UV map and a cell -shader effect. Still need to fix some of the UV map, everything you see is still preliminary. Ill put up the city walkthrough in a sec, it rendered at 4x the speed it played at, for some reason.